What is the work flexibility?

62 % of all global companies use the work flexibility. In the Czech Republic it is approximately 30 % of organizations. It streamlines work, increases employee satisfaction and improves employer brand. These companies use modern technologies and all forms of remote collaboration.


About Homeoffice

  • Employees work with each other as needed as if they were in the office together.
  • They save time on the road they devote to the work they focus on better.
  • They use modern technology and follow the rules that maximize their performance.


  1. Employee

    Saving money and time traveling

    Better Life

    Freedom to choose the place and time of work

    Effective use of time

  2. Manager

    High quality team through the recruitment without geographic limitation

    Happy team

    Have clear rules and effective teamwork

  3. Company

    A Sign of Excellent Corporate Culture and Modern Technology

    Attractive Employer brand

    Higher Productivity

Remote Collaboration


  • If people only rarely see their collegues, we talk about remote cooperation.
  • The goal is to have strong relationships, trust and effective collaboration, even if they only see each other occasionally.
  • We use the rules also use remote collaboration in communication between branches, with headquarters or in a distributed team.


  1. Employee

    Saving travel time and cost

    Job opportunity at home with lower living costs

    Quick support from colleagues from anywhere

  2. Manager

    Faster recruiting of people from more locations

    Effective teamwork from anywhere

    Good relationships and trust in the team

  3. Company

    Efficient organization structure and teams

    Strong corporate culture and employer brand across sites

Flexible Working Time


  • If you work with people with a 30-80% of time, it is a flexible job.
  • Employees are working remotely or from the office.


  1. Employee

    Possibility to work in accordance with the life-situation

    Use of strengths and specific expertise

  2. Manager

    Possibility to recruit experts with specific know-how

    Team diversity

    Ability to work virtually anywhere and at any time

  3. Company

    Strong employer brand

    Increasing company know-how

    Company Diversity